What we fund

The Foundation supports projects that aim to improve the circumstances and future opportunities of the young, the poor and the vulnerable.

Image credit: ©Ernest Randriarimalala/WaterAid

Supported project categories

Our focus is on helping communities in developing countries, and we are open to support selected projects anywhere in the world. The choice of projects is based on our own research.

Below, you will find some categories of projects that we provide grants to, together with specific examples of projects we have helped.

Some of our funded projects work across several of these categories.

Child development and education

We provide grants to projects and organisations that aim to improve access to education and training for disadvantaged children and young people across the developing world.

This includes school-building, initiatives to integrate street children and child soldiers into education and work, and programmes to protect the education and life chances of orphans and young girls.

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Image credit: ©Pestalozzi Children's Foundation

Disease prevention and child health

The Foundation supports projects and organisations working to prevent the spread of diseases such as cholera, malaria and HIV in the developing world. We focus on assisting efforts to improve access to health education and treatment for children and mothers.

For instance, we supported the work of Médecins Sans Frontières Switzerland to limit the outbreak of cholera in Haiti and assisted Solidar Med in educating people in rural Mozambique on the prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS.

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Image credit: ©Presencia Foundation

Water and sanitation

Access to clean water and hygienic sanitation are essential to lead dignified human lives. The Foundation supports projects to bring these resources to communities.

Working with partners such as WaterAid, the Foundation supports global projects and efforts in countries such as Nepal to promote hygiene.

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Image credit: ©Ernest Randriarimalala/WaterAid

Hunger and malnutrition

We support projects and organisations that combat the threat or effects of hunger and malnutrition, especially among children.

The Foundation supports organisations such as ConnectSwiss and Mary’s Meals that provide meals to the hungry and malnourished children at school. Our partnership with Mary’s Meals ensures children in countries such as Malawi receive daily meals at school and continue to remain in education.

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Image credit: ©Chris Watt/Mary's MealsFREE PICTUREMarys Meals under six centre in Ndalama Malawi

Catholic charities and churches

The Foundation provides financial assistance to the activities of Catholic projects and organisations that have programmes working with vulnerable people across all ages.

As an example of its work, the Foundation has provided financial assistance to Aid to the Church in Need, which supports Christians who are oppressed, persecuted or in pastoral need round the world.

We also support the work of Catholic church groups in the developing world and closer to home.

For instance, we have supported the Little sisters of the poor in its work providing medical care and a nurturing environment for the elderly poor.

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Image credit: ©RC Westminster Diocese

Humanitarian relief

After natural disasters have struck communities in Haiti and Nepal, the Foundation has provided financial assistance to efforts to bring humanitarian relief and reconstruction to affected areas.

We provided grants to ROKPA International for rebuilding following the earthquake in Tibet.

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Image credit: ©Médecins Sans Frontières

Supporting the gifted

The Foundation believes in the power of classical music and the performing arts to improve people’s lives, and assists activities from concert series to music education.

This includes supporting concerts by the Philharmonia Orchestra, residencies by violinist Maxim Vengerov, and junior programmes at the Royal College of Music.

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Image credit: ©Benjamin Ealovega/Philharmonia Orchestra


Please contact us by email:

Email info@vonopel-foundation.ch

Charity No.1172977